Environmental Management System

Achieving a balance between the environment, society and the economy is considered essential to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development as a goal is achieved by balancing the three pillars of sustainability.

Societal expectations for sustainable development, transparency and accountability have evolved with increasingly stringent legislation, growing pressures on the environment from pollution, inefficient use of resources, improper waste management, climate change, degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.

This has led organizations to adopt a systematic approach to environmental management by implementing environmental management systems with the aim of contributing to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

The purpose of this Standard is to provide organizations with a framework to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs. It specifies requirements that enable an organization to achieve the intended outcomes it sets for its environmental management system.

Environmental Management System


  • Protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts;
  • Mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organization;
  • Assisting the organization in the fulfilment of compliance obligations;
  • Enhancing environmental performance;
  • Controlling or influencing the way the organization’s products and services are designed, manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed by using a life cycle perspective that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle;
  • Achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing environmentally sound alternatives that strengthen the organization’s market position;
  • Communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties.

The success of an environmental management system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, led by top management. Organizations can leverage opportunities to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and enhance beneficial environmental impacts, particularly those with strategic and competitive implications. Top management can effectively address its risks and opportunities by integrating environmental management into the organization’s business processes, strategic direction and decision making, aligning them with other business priorities and incorporating environmental governance into its overall management system. Demonstration of successful implementation of this International Standard can be used to assure interested parties that an effective environmental management system is in place.

The basis for the approach underlying an environmental management system is founded on the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). The PDCA model provides an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It can be applied to an environmental management system and to each of its individual elements. It can be briefly described as:

This Standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. It is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.


It helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provide value for the environment, the organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with the organization’s environmental policy, the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include:

  • Enhancement of environmental performance;
  • Fulfilment of compliance obligations;
  • Achievement of environmental objectives.

This Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type & nature and applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that the organization determines. It can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective.

Training Module

2 Days Training Session

Day 1 Schedule

Duration Subject
9:15 - 9:30AM Inauguration & Introduction
9:30 - 11:30AM Course Objectives, Background and Basic Concepts of EMS
11:30 - 11:45AM Tea Break
11:45 - 1:15PM Annex SL & Requirements of ISO 14001: 2015
1:15 - 2:00PM Lunch Break
2:00 - 3:15PM Requirements of ISO 14001(Contd.)
3:15 - 3:30PM Tea Break
3:30 - 4:30PM Documentation Requirements
4:30 - 5:15PM Workshop: Clauses of ISO 14001:2015
5:15 - 5:30PM Discussions & Clarifications

Day 2 Schedule

Duration Subject
9:30 - 11:15AM Auditing Concepts and Principles
11:15 - 11:30AM Tea Break
11:30 - 1:15PM Auditing aspects as per ISO 14001
1:15 - 2:00PM Lunch Break
2:00 - 3:00PM Challenges for Auditors for Audits
3:30 - 3:15PM Tea Break
3:15 - 4:00PM Workshop on Auditing
4:00 - 5:15PM Mock Audit
4:30 - 5:00PM Discussion, Feedback & Conclusion

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